Healed by Double Helix Water? Bob the Bobcat

Bob_the_BobcatTo the right sits Bob the Bobcat with Felicia.  As a youngster he was destined for Busch Gardens but he developed epilepsy along with some neurological problems.  He needed a home and he was taken in and loved and cared for by Felicia. She knew he needed supplements to round out his raw food diet, but he was so smart that he would take his meat over to his water bowl and drop his food in so he could wash off the bad tasting supplements.  He needed to be on daily medication for his seizures and his front legs would tremble most of the time.

Felicia wanted to know if Deserving Pets Vitamins were adequate to balance a raw meat diet.  She was also concerned that he would not eat the product and would just wash it off in his water bowl.   When Bob discovered the Deserving Pets Vitamins on his meat he ate it with gusto. She found him sliding his feeding bowl around in order to lick up every last morsel.  I also put Bob on Double Helix Water for his seizures as I was working with the product on a study.

Since being on Deserving Pets Vitamins and the Double Helix water, Bob’s seizures have reduced by 95% and he’s being weaned off of the medication for his seizures.  His coat has become absolutely beautiful.  Felicia also said that the trembling in his front paws is 90% improved.  She also loves the fact that he has much more energy and is a lot more playful.   It’s obvious to her that he feels better and is so much happier.

Bob the Bobcat may not have made it to Busch Gardens in Tampa but he has a loving home and a much better life to look forward to.