Allergy Elimination: N.A.E.T.

During the 1998 conference of the A.H.V.M.A., Dr. Khalsa lectured about Allergy Elimination using N.A.E.T, which stands for Nambidripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique.

A conference attendee kindly wrote what she had learned from this lecture:

“Dr. Khalsa’s presentation on N.A.E.T., Allergies and the Immune System was one of the most exciting parts of the whole conference. She dazzled us with case after case of both dogs and cats that she has completely cured of allergies using the N.A.E.T. technique. The ‘before’ and ‘after’ pictures of these cases were nearly unbelievable.

She has found in her clinical experience that many other problems such as Irritable Bowel Disease, arthritis, and autoimmune disease have been an underlying cause, an exaggerated immune reaction (an allergy). Once the allergies have been eliminated, the disease is also cured.

To understand the importance of this work we need a little background. An allergy is the body’s unbalanced response to a substance. The response is often extremely exaggerated. An example is death occurring rapidly after eating a peanut or getting stung by a bee.

Those of you familiar with computers know that when the original programming gets messed up, all sorts of weird things can happen – from mild glitches to complete crashes. Like a computer, if the body over-reacts to an environmental, food, or internal stimulus, it indicates a breakdown in its programming.

The N.A.E.T. technology starts a corrective programming to flow through the body and reprograms any incorrect and non-optimum functions. This reprogramming usually is permanent. Correcting the original source of imbalance then restores the flow of energy. When the harmony of the body is restored and balanced, illness and disease resolves.

I am most thankful for the work of Dr. Deva Khalsa, V.M.D. She has led the way in the veterinary application of N.A.E.T. and is gracious enough to share this specialized knowledge with other health care professionals”

From the Alternative Medicine Digest:

“The genius of Nambudripad’s approach is that it takes the allergy out of any substance and turns the allergic body into the allergy-free body.

Your brain reinterprets what it used to think was a poison, seeing it now as a harmless, acceptable substance. This produces a totally new, permanent and irreversible response to the allergen, leaving you allergy free.”

Both dogs and cats can exhibit allergic symptoms although allergies (in the form of itchy skin) are far more common in dogs. An allergen is a substance that the immune system considers an enemy, although in most cases it is a harmless food or pollen. The categories of allergens include:

  1. foods which are ingested,
  2. grasses, pollens, flowers and chemical fumes which are inhaled,
  3. poison oak and poison ivy, detergents, shampoos and lawn chemicals which are contacted directly by the skin,
  4. insect bites such as fleas and injections, such as vaccinations which are injected directly into the body.

These allergies can manifest in many ways. Cases of itching, irritated skin with chronic ear infections are most commonly seen. Chronic diarrhea and colitis are often due to allergies. Asthma has an allergic component.